Liver cancer also known as Hepatocellular Carcinoma in medical world is the primary cancer as it is originated from Liver itself. Liver Cancer is the most common cancer disease widely spread in cancer patients. Main causes of liver cancer are Anabolic Steroids, Alcohol consumption, Cirrhosis and Hepatitis.
Sudden weight loss, fatigue, fluid in abdomen and jaundice are the common symptoms of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. It can be diagnosed using MRI, CT scan or ultrasound. A tumor can be seen in these tests in the affected liver.
Liver Cancer is a progressive tumor which can damage liver and may spread in other organs of body. Early treatment of Liver Cancer is necessary to avoid any danger. Liver Cancer is removed by surgery in two ways: Liver Resection and Liver Transplant.
Liver Resection: Liver Resection is an option in early stage of Liver Cancer. In this method the infected part of liver is removed in the surgery. This method is called Partial Hepatectomy. Before surgery, the infected part of liver is diagnosed and same part of liver is removed with its surrounding tissues that may be affected with cancer. The size of liver part removed depends upon the size of tumor, a maximum of 80% part of liver can be removed in Partial Hepatectomy.
Remaining healthy tissues of liver take over the functioning of liver after the surgery and grow for the recovery of liver. For a few days, it may cause problems but heals in few days.
Liver Transplant: Some serious patients whose liver is completely affected with liver cancer can’t be treated with liver resection. For such cases, liver of patients can be replaced with a healthy liver tissue in a surgery.
Affected liver tissue is replaced with a healthy liver tissue if a deceased or live donor is found. If the donor is deceased than whole liver is transplanted and if donor is live a healthy tissue of liver of donor is used to replace the infected liver of patient.
Transplant Coordinator Team helps in finding a suitable solution and facilitates for your liver transplant. Our expert team for Liver Care takes care of patients with utmost care and responsibility during and after the surgery.
Liver Resection: Liver Resection is an option in early stage of Liver Cancer. In this method the infected part of liver is removed in the surgery. This method is called Partial Hepatectomy. Before surgery, the infected part of liver is diagnosed and same part of liver is removed with its surrounding tissues that may be affected with cancer.